Why did I make this CD?
I believe that Spirit Guides dont get enough recognition for that what they do for us. They dont ask for it, but I believe that it is nice just to say a simple thank you for their 24 hour work looking after us. Also, Im sure you would like to know who to say your 'thank you' to.
With this Meditation CD you can find out who your Spirit Guide is and what your Spirit Guide looks like.
What do Spirit Guides do for us?
Example; I done a reading a few months ago and the gentleman told me that out of no reason at all he stopped at a traffic junction even that the signal showed green. The next second, from his right, a car appeared and went through the red light. This gentleman was telling me "I dont know why I stopped, but Im glad I did. I must have good angels around me". So I told him that his Spirit Guide was the one who is protecting him and to say a thank you for saving his life. Angels will do the same thing for us, but it is mainly your Spirit Guide who makes sure that youre okay in this life. I believe that there are a quite a few of you who have used the sentence before "I dont know what made me do it, but Im glad I did".
Another example is, you're sitting in your house and all of a sudden a feeling comes over you to phone a loved one or friend and you know there is something wrong. They are the kind of messages which come from your Spirit Guide. So if it happens to you, just say thank you. They really appreciate it.
God Bless you all and good luck,
Psychic Medium Adam.
Artwork and Design by PJFM and Adam. CopyrightŠ Psychic Medium Adam.